Few questions and points on Hyperkaelemia

1) Which is not a probable cause of hyperkalemia?

a] Ketoacidosis
b] Prolonged tourniquet while taking blood sample
c] Chronic renal failure
d] Beta Agonists 

2) In management of patients with severe acute hyperkalemia, which should be administered first?

A. Sodium bicarbonate
B. IV Magnesium
C. Calcium Gluconate
D. Dextrose

3) A 60-year-old obese diabetic man, treated for the last ten years with various oral hypoglycemic agents comes to you in routine follow-up. One year ago, he suffered an acute MI and CHF (LVEF <30%), he was started on Aspirin, a beta-blocker, and an ACE inhibitor. Recently his family doctor added a new agent for his CHF. Electrolytes obtained now revealed a potassium level of 7.0 mEq/L. The acute rise in the serum potassium level most likely is due to:

A) The beta-blocker
B) The ACE-inhibitor
C) Eplerenone
D) Digoxin

4) A 50-year-old woman received a cadaveric kidney transplant 5 years ago. Serum creatinine has gradually risen only the last three years to its present level of 2.6 mg/dl. She takes a low dose of prednisone, MMF and cyclosporine. She has mild hypertension and her serum [K+] level typically ranges between 5.3 and 5.8 mEq/L. The most appropriate treatment for the hyperkalemia is:
A) Intravenous calcium gluconate
B) Glucose and insulin
C) Nebulized Albuterol
D) A loop diuretic


1] - d, 2] - c, 3] - c, 4] - d

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